The latest immigration stats leave in tatters the Prime Minister's promise to curb the number of people coming to live in Britain.
The Home Secretary Theresa May paved the way for the target to be missed in recent days when she said it had been "blown off course" because of internal EU migration.
The rise in net migration, described as "statistically significant" by the ONS, will ramp up the pressure on David Cameron who had given a "No ifs, no buts" pledge to get net migration down to below 100,000 by May, 2015.
The figures will be seized on by UKIP, buoyed by recent -by-election successes, to argue only quitting the EU can curb immigration.
This is 16,000 higher than it was in the year to June 2010 when the coalition Government came to office, when it stood at 244,000.
The latest figures also revealed a "statistically significant increase" in Romanian and Bulgarian citizens arriving in the UK over the period, rising to 32,000 from 18,000 in the previous year.