So this would be my first post and it is apt that I start with the introductions. My name is Oluwabukola and I’m a NYSC member or corper as most Nigerians know it as, SMH, Nugerians can like to corrupt names ehn. I’m serving in one of the poorest and deadest state in Nigeria. If you know me on twitter, you would know the state in talking already. The state is in the east. My state code number is EB/14B/14**.
That is all you should know. My PPA (place of primary assignment) is one equally dead school in the most remote part of Ikwo. NYSC is a bitch for sending me to that place. Let me just add that I hate this place with a burning passion. The Ibos I’ve met in this state just turn me off the whole time. I mean they find it so difficult to pronounce my name like my name is one very hard thing for them and I refuse to make it easier for them by telling them my English name. You must call me by my Yoruba name. Also, their penchant for speaking their language pisses me off. I mean you can see me wearing khaki jacket and you still speak your language to me, Just why?! Oh and their food here grosses me out. I went to one ‘restaurant'(restaurant in quote because the place is no more than a canteen) I told the woman I wanted to eat rice and stew. I repeatedly told her I don’t want vegetable or whatever concoction they add to their food in my stew and she replied yes. Only for her to bring a plate of one of the most ugliest stew Ive seen in my stay in this state. I almost rejected the food but then I was not the one paying , I had seen one small fish who was paying for the meal. And let me state now that I’m not a tribalist (my mother is a deltan from the Urhobo tribe) before y’all start ranting and hating me before I’ve barely started my blogging career, lol
Okay, I should also state that I’ve applied for redeployment to another state in the West. Yer, I love the West. After all I’m Yoruba. Why shouldn’t I like there?
Lol, I’m yet to even resume at my PPA too Yer, I’m unserious and lazy. I dun care
I think this should be all for the introduction part. More stories would be coming soon enough. And let me add that I might be changing names in the stories that I would be posting just to protect the privacy of the parties involved. The stories might be sordid, random or shocking but it would most definitely be interesting and you would keep coming for more. Yer. I’m bragging