Man Demands Church To Refund His 15 Years Tithes And Offerings [LISTEN]

A frustrated man had threatened a church based in Accra to either return the contributions he had made in the church for the past 15 years, tithes and donations inclusive or face the wrath of the law.
The middle aged man who was irked because the church refused to offer him any help when he had serious financial crisis had decided to move to a new church which would be more willing to assist its members.
According to reports, the disappointed man insists that his contributions to the church, which cover a period of fifteen (15) years, should have afforded him some reprieve in his time of trouble.
He said, “I want them to pay me all the money I have given to them since I started churching [fellowshipping] with them.
“Everything. Donations, everything they should refund my money to me. The tithes I am paying is not going to God, it’s going to one particular person and that is the pastor. It is not going to God, it is going to the pastor.”
The obviously irate man insists that the money he paid should still be in the church coffers and that the money “can never fly”.
“I want them to give me my money, he reiterated. “If they do not give me back my money, I will take them to court!”.- See more at:

